Embracing Prophetic Character


March 18, 2016 at 8:52 pm

The word أخ or “Akh” means male sibling from the same mother.

أخواء or آخوان –> share common goals.

أخت or “Ukht” means female sibling from the same mother, plural أخوات.

We are all brothers and sisters in the pursuit of a common goal.

- The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) emphasized brotherhood in the community.

- There’s nothing wrong with greeting people in their own way. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) did not cut off his ties with pagans.

- We’re all Children of Adam. We come from Adam and Adam came from the Earth. So, in essence, we
are all related due to our genetic makeup. The fact that we are made of clay reminds us to be
humble, because dirt is of a lowly origin.

- Problems start when people arrogate themselves over others. Satan committed the first sin in being
arrogant. He thought he was better than Adam. He mentioned how flame (the substance Satan is made
of) go “up”, hence he is more exalted than a creature made of mere clay.

- Allah tells us that the humble ones are the best ones.

- Regardless of hierarchy in an organizational structure, we’re all creatures made of clay at the end
of the day.

- Our bosses or superiors are not “above” us.

- We can be rich and wealthy, but we must remember that we’re not lords over anyone.

- Don’t look for dirt [gossip] on other people. When you find it, you will be looking in the mirror.

- If you weren’t looking for said dirt and it came to you and you find that it concerns you, take time
to speak with the person in private so as to not humiliate them in society.

- Gossip is none of your business.

- We are reminded to give a person 70 benefits of the doubt before assuming or accusing them of
anything. A good opinion that leaves room for a wide variety of interpretation.

- If it’s a warning for something, just stick to what’s relevant. It’s important to protect the honor of
a fellow human being.

- The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said that piety is in the heart. Where are these rights
needed the most? At home. And where do we neglect them the most? At home. The lack of
consideration at home does irreparable damage.

Reblogged: from TMV magazine

Photo Image: from Seeker’s Hub