New Islamic Directions

By Imam Zaid Shakir

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The Looming Demise of a “Special” Relationship

by Imam Zaid Shakir

We are not going to create any conditions on the support that we give to Israel to defend itself. Kamala Harris, US Vice President, November 2, 2023 When I first read this statement last Fall, I thought to myself that at least we can applaud the Biden Administration… Read More


One Political Team

by Imam Zaid Shakir

One Political Team Last week, I received a call from one of the leaders in the African American Muslim Community, Salima Suswell. She is the founder of both Evolve Solutions and the Black Muslim Leadership Council. I have been in touch with Salima over the years, both seeking… Read More


A Letter to The Fallen Children of Gaza

by Imam Zaid Shakir

To my young Palestinian brothers and sisters, the fallen children of Gaza, you continue to die because those capable of stopping the massacre instead repeat, like drunk parrots, “Israel has a right to defend herself.” To “defend” herself against you children who never had a chance to grow to defend… Read More


Let Us Mock the Muslims (For We Traffic in Mockery)

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Let Us Mock the Muslims (For We Traffic in Mockery) Mockery: Behavior or speech that makes fun of someone or something in a hurtful way. Mockery of entire groups has effectively been criminalized in Western societies. One would think thrice before publicly mocking Jews, African Americans, homosexuals or many other… Read More


The Crime of The State

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Was it the crime of the state, Or the state of the crime That has my body, soul, and mind Suspended in air; Awaiting the moment, Dreading the time, That will mark its descent to the ground With a thud; Like the thud of a bomb, Like the thud of… Read More


A New Year’s Thought

by Imam Zaid Shakir

May all seeking it come to know peace. May all of the wars, violence and conflicts cease. May the fools come to see the folly of their ways. May those suffering come to know better days. May the weary find rest, may the homeless find shelter.… Read More


They Do Not Care

by Imam Zaid Shakir

I begin by offering my condolences to the families and loved ones of every innocent Palestinian, man, woman, and child who has been unjustly killed during the ongoing illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Likewise, I offer my condolences to the families and loved ones of every… Read More


A Statement Deserving Our Support

by Imam Zaid Shakir

Navigating Differences: Clarifying Sexual and Gender Ethics in Islam Last week, a group of Muslim scholars released a statement outlining a reasoned and reasonable response to the growing challenge the LGBTQIAP+ movement presents to the Muslim community. The statement is timely owing to growing confusion in the community resulting from… Read More


On The Passing of Mouaz Al-Nass

by Imam Zaid Shakir

We often say that some people come into our lives. In many cases as quickly as they come, they go. We might even forget the mundane encounters with many of them, which, if we strain to search the deepest recesses of our memories, we might say we have known them.… Read More


Imam Khalil Abdur-Rahman

by Imam Zaid Shakir

So many blessed people have been passing away. May Allah have mercy on Imam Khalil. He attended a seminar I taught a few months ago and I was blown away by his humility and encouragement even as he was an intimate part of the history I was teaching. He has… Read More


Farewell to Brother Mansour Ansari: No More “Humazatin’ and Lumazatin’

by Imam Zaid Shakir

إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un I first met Brother Mansour Ansari in Washington DC in 1981. It was probably at one of the many rallies occurring around that time in support of the Iranian Revolution, or one of the many causes the Revolution… Read More


Importance of Being a Very Public Muslim

by Imam Zaid Shakir

In the climate of fear and mistrust of Muslims being carefully cultivated by some elements in this country it is extremely important to be a very public, very visible, very talkative Muslim. Some Muslims would tend to shun this advice thinking that by “laying low” and being almost invisible they… Read More


Exploring the intersection of faith and race on ‘In Conversation’

by Imam Zaid Shakir

In Conversation The phrase “thoughts and prayers” has become overused almost to the point of cliché, but using faith and worship as a tool to get through hardship is as old… Read More


The Ballad of Jihadi Mike: (Part 3) Requiem for a Movement - The Operation

by Imam Zaid Shakir

The Shaykh directed him to join a cell, That would dispatch the disbelievers to Hell. To clarify just who were the Kuffar, They studied ibn Taymiyya’s fatwa. The one in which he ruled that the Tartar, Despite their Shahada they were Kuffar. As for Syed Imam Dr. Fadl, They studied… Read More


The Ballad of Jihadi Mike: (Part 2) Requiem for a Movement - Islam (Limerick)

by Imam Zaid Shakir

The Ballad of Jihadi Mike: Requiem for a Movement (Part 2) Islam (Limerick) The brothers were the very best he could meet, And the sisters were gentle and sweet. He got a Qur’an, Which he pondered upon, Then they invited him up to their suite. Mike found himself in a… Read More


The Ballad of Jihadi Mike: (Part 1) Requiem for a Movement - The Early Years

by Imam Zaid Shakir

This is the ballad of Jihadi Mike. He was a likeable and lovely tyke. His family was loving and very good And Mike lived in a pleasant neighborhood. Sometime when he was in the second grade He saw Mom and Dad’s love starting to fade. And… Read More